Impulsive decisions….. I used to do that quite a bit.. like deciding to up and move to Asia…. or having lots of sex with plenty of pretty much random people…. (that was in my 20s)

Lately I tend to binge eat… can’t stop… I still do the sex part, but not with random, just one person, but I do binge sex if I get the chance…

looking at the definition of

Impulsiveness – The tendency to act or speak based on current feelings rather than logical reasoning.

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time …. Impulsiveness is a normal form of human behavior. All of us make some decisions impulsively, based on “gut-feel”, “instinct”, mood or whim. And life would be very dull we didn’t!

I guess my 3 engagements were quite impulsive… and quite possibly getting married was a yeah, on the spot not thought about it too much …. kind of a decision… that led me to move back to my home country and forget about Law School (where I had enrolled already…)

I will learn how to tone it down & keep it under control…I’m convinced…just gotta give myself time & self compassion…

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January 1st, 2019 Update

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BPD Survey

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